Saturday, March 31, 2018

一个练习汉字书写的好工具 - 新式九宫作业簿



Sunday, March 25, 2018

Excellent suggestions for improving reading skills in Chinese

Thanks to the British Council for the suggestions! These are what we really need to say to our young Mandarin learners. According to my own experiences of teaching and learning languages, reading books that one is interested in and can understand is crucial for making progress and developing interest and motivation.

一张会动的《清明上河圖》- 艺术、科技和音乐的结合


Thursday, March 15, 2018

Kungfu Fighter, Hidden Sugar (Mandarin) - an effective teaching and learning material

这个短短的广告片是一个很好的教材。它适合高年级的学生。老师在教学时,需要对文本中的用词和概念做一些解释和举例。另外,除了可以从文化(比如,武侠、功夫片等)的角度来教学之外,还可以培养学生的“跨文化理解能力” (比如,比较西方类似的广告,或者由学生解说他们对这个广告的看法)。

You can purchase "Learn Chinese While Singing" Student Workbooks now in Sydney and Melbourne

"Learn Chinese While Singing" Student Workbooks 1-3 can be purchased now in the following bookshops in Sydney.
1. China Books Sydney, (02) 9280 1885
2. Books Kinokuniya, (02) 9262 7996
3. Abbey's Language Book Centre, (02) 92671397

They are also sold in Melbourne.
1. China Books Melbourne, (03) 9663 8822