Saturday, October 14, 2017

We definitely need more innovative ways of teaching

This is an inspiring YouTube video and useful teaching resource. Although A-Fu says that the pronunciation is challenging, he has spoken well.  Many people, including some Chinese teachers, say that Chinese is a 'difficult' language. I do not agree. 

There are many reasons why one can master a foreign/second language. Apart from the elements of the language itself (such as pronunciation, grammar, sentence structure, etc.), interest, motivation, learning environment, learning methods, and even understanding of
the culture, are key to the success of learning a foreign/second language. Simply saying that Chinese is difficult to learn is not true, and it doesn’t solve the problem either. After all, it is a relative concept. In Spanish, for example, the pronunciation is easy for Chinese learners, because its words are composed of 'syllables'. However, the Spanish grammar is very complicated. Relatively speaking, Chinese characters for many 'foreigners' are hard, but the pronunciation is not difficult. Moreover, the grammar is very flexible and simple. So, I think, when promoting Chinese as a second language (CSL), we should treat speaking/listening and reading/writing separately. After all, they are different skills. A learner who can say 'xie xie' may not need to be able to read or write '

With Chinese becoming more globalised, we definitely need more innovative ways of teaching. 


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